Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals and modern humans in Belgium through direct radiocarbon dating of bone implements

Bibliographic Collection: 
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Abrams, Grégory; Devièse, Thibaut; Pirson, Stéphane; De Groote, Isabelle; Flas, Damien; Jungels, Cécile; Jadin, Ivan; Cattelain, Pierre; Bonjean, Dominique; Mathys, Aurore; Semal, Patrick; Higham, Thomas; Di Modica, Kévin
Year of Publication: 2024
Journal: Journal of Human Evolution
Volume: 186
Pagination: 103471
Date Published: 2024/01/01/
Publication Language: eng
ISBN Number: 0047-2484
Keywords: Bone implements, Compound specific radiocarbon analysis, Early Aurignacian, Late Mousterian, Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition, Northwestern Europe
Short Title: Journal of Human Evolution